A peek into my morning routine

As I sat down with my cup of steaming coffee this morning, I couldn't help but reflect on how the simplest moments in our lives can sometimes hold the most profound insights. It got me thinking about my morning routine - that sacred time of day when I embark on my journey to face the world, armed with determination and purpose. It's a part of my day that rarely makes it to social media, but today, I wanted to give you a peek behind the scenes and unmask the real me. If you want to know what is the ONE thing I just added that made a game changer morning Listen to this podcast episode.


I wake up at around 6:30 a.m., as I start to bring my consciousness back into the present, I am very aware of what my first thoughts of the day are. I truly feel like the first thoughts help set up the day in a positive or negative light. Which will you choose?

What intention to you set for the day as you ground yourself with your first steps onto the floor?


After going to the bathroom (cause I feel like if I didn't add that people would wonder when I peed) I go downstairs and drink ¼ cup of aloe vera juice. It is SO gross, but I am starting to get used to it. Maybe more adapting to it. A Chinese medicine Dr told me to try it to help with asorbtion. My digestive system is great, but absorbing the amazing food and minerals I am taking in needs work.


Then I start the coffee maker - this is magic because I am super diligent about adding the water and grinding the coffee ahead of time. I have it ready so in the morning it FEELS like someone else has made coffee for me. I guess Chris FULLY feels like this every morning now that I think of it! In my coffee I put a tsp of maple syrup, 1 tsp of MCT oil to help with alertness and energy and Collagen. My favourite is Stoop grass fed. I blend it all together so it's nice and frothy. My favourite coffee is local, Salt Spring Island Coffee that I believe they are now selling at Costco off the island too.

Coffee tip - keep your coffee beans in the freezer so they stay fresher longer.\

Breakfast for me is usually eggs with salsa, red onions and peppers, bok-choy and yeshi dressing. I top it with some avocado. I love having greens in the morning.  When I started doing this it was a game changer because I noticed how I felt more clear and had energy for longer.


I usually make the kids an avocado on sourdough with hemp hearts or oatmeal or egg cups. Fun fact: the kids are only allowed cereal when we are on vacation. I have a big distaste for cereal, I feel like there are so many more whole food options that will get the kiddos to feel good starting their day where they aren't having a huge energy crash an hour later. 


I fill up my water bottle of alkaline water. Sante Fe is the filtration system I use. Have you tried the Flow Water yet? Ph of 8+! This is an amazing tool to help balance the Ph in our guts. I digress…I put the kids lunches that I made the night before in their bags and off we go to school drop off.It's so interesting how excited I get now to wake up and get my morning routine started. I absolutely love being an intuitive healer so I get giddy knowing that once the kids get dropped off it is off to do the work I love!


My goal is to add a few pages of a book and a 5 minute meditation while drinking my coffee instead of only checking my emails.I'd love to hear about your own morning routine or any thoughts that this email has sparked. Feel free to hit reply and share your insights. Let's continue to journey through life together, unmasking our true selves, and inspiring each other along the way.


Sending you Love & Light,




The “Good Girl” Complex


How do I start connecting to my intuition?