External Validation and learning to Trust

First of all - the Psychic Circle is half sold out so if you want to be part of this amazing event that is going to help you with release and renewal then get on it! Get your tickets here.

As children we rely on our parents to help us navigate our world and look to them to tell us if we are in danger or not. Have you ever seen a child who falls and looks to your reaction to see if they should burst into tears? We need that external person to help us navigate our world. As we get older, we become more independent and develop these systems so that we can trust ourselves to navigate the world. But what happens if we had a distant parent? A parent who constantly lived in fear? Or the parent has a fear of abandonment?

How they navigated the world becomes a pattern that you get caught in. You are mirroring their reaction just like the child who falls down. As an adult you might notice that you are always asking your friends what you should do. You don't make a decision without being on the phone with anyone you know to make sure that you making a good choice.

The secret to releasing this pattern is…. It has to come from WITHIN.

The trust, the knowing, it is with a strong sense of self that this will be healed. If this sounds like you - what can you do to help?

One of the things that helped me A LOT was building my intuition. Developing this inner awareness was KEY to lowering my nervous system and allowing this pattern from childhood to heal. How can you do that?

I have an 8 week course called Intuitive Foundations. I have taken everything that I wish was in a course to help me build the foundation of my awareness. Once I started using muscle testing to help my body with certain foods, starts working with manifesting and building my intuitive abilities like using a pendulum, I was able to trust myself and the ability to allow the information to come from within instead of relying on outside sources.

I would love to give you all of the tools that I found so helpful on my journey. This course has video, pdf's and meditations to help you along your journey. It's self-paced so you never have to worry about not having enough time.

Click here to start building your inner compass today


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