How to Manifest

My Husband got this amazing job with the military. It is the Unicorn. It is one that many want but most don’t get. It is this beautiful Unicorn that seems impossible. Until it isn't.


But how did he do the impossible? My husband is a champion at manifesting. After watching him and studying manifesting for the past couple of years. I wanted to share with you what I noticed in hopes that it could help you manifest your dreams.


I remember when Chris joined the military 10 years ago. He let the recruitment office tell him after his aptitude test what trade he should go in. You can either do non commissioned member (no university degree) or commissioned member - officer (university degree)


Chris was told by his step-father that he wasn't university material. He got his diploma in advertising and communications


(Side note, I think it's sad that our society puts so much emphasis on University. I have seen super successful people who never finished high school but that's for another blog post!)


The trade they had him start with in the military was not suited for him. It was nothing that he enjoyed and everyone around him had done university math. He had his grade 10. They called him in and told him he could retake the whole course or find a new trade. He decided to go for a new trade. The person in charge wrote on his file that he only had grade 10 math and it was like a Scarlett letter for him on his file. Knowing that it would mean he couldn't apply to as many new positions.


A week before we welcomed our middle son into the world, Chris chose to be a Naval Communicator. It was closer to what he wanted. He could feel he was getting closer but learned of the position as Public Affairs officer and knew that  this was his ultimate goal. This was the unicorn.


It meant he would need a University degree, would need to re do his aptitude test for the military to become competitive against one of the many people who applied every year hoping to get one of two spots. He spoke to our neighbour who had become an officer and once he got his degree it took him 9 tries of applying until they finally accepted him in a different job that wasn’t as competitive.


Chris had to choose his goal and then trust.

He trusted that the universe had a plan and that he would be guided on the way if it was meant for his path. (manifesting note: every single person Chris told his goal to(except me) told him it was near impossible, but he stuck to what he wanted and knew the Universe would guide him if it was meant for him)


He learned that if he wanted to get into a University program that the military paid for he had to take two courses a semester to show them he could handle University. This was on top of full time work and three kids.


I watched him for a year go after work and take night classes. He was so nervous at first. He had to fight the old patterning on the drive to the school telling him he wasn't smart enough and wasn't University material. He passed each course with flying colours and kept proving the old patterning wrong. Creating new beliefs.


In September of 2020, four days before a professional communication degree program started, he applied for the program. We got a loan instead of going through the military because otherwise he would have to wait three years for the approval process with the military and Chris said this program just felt right. BUT It was stressful! The program was closed. They weren't accepting anyone else. Chris was sad because it was perfect. You entered into year three with the diploma he already had. They were doing year three and four over four semesters back to back through the year. It would be an intense year but by the end of it, he would have his degree.


He looked at the course information and saw that the professor that he had just had in his night classes had taken a position as the head of this program.


What are the odds!?


He saw it as a sign and emailed him. Asking if he could still apply. Friday Chris found out he was accepted and he started his program on the Monday. We hustled to get everything in while camping with the kids btw. It was wild looking back! But he was in University and we were excited.


That year was one of the hardest years of our relationship. He was stressed. So much was put on me since he was immersed in school and working. He would stay up until midnight each night handing in papers. Be on calls and going to work. He still made sure to make time for our family and put the kids to bed, which I and they appreciated so much. But it took awhile to balance and I joked the Chris that he needed to find that balance or he would get a degree and a divorce.


Chris graduated with high marks, once again proving that he could do it. But could he get public affairs officer?


There was so much doubt from others. It was too hard to get. No one got it. They only take two people a year. The career manager told him it's a 1 in 100 chance. Chris looked at her and said so there is still a chance. Manifesting note: unwavering belief .


He re-did his aptitude test bringing his scores up higher then they were when he was 31. The career manager said they still weren't as high as some people who were applying.


When Chris was in University, he had to do a practicum. He could do it anywhere in or outside of the military. He decided to do it in the military and got to be in the public affairs office. He felt at home. He imaged himself being there. (manifesting note: FEEL what it feels like to be in the job or situation you are manifesting.


Even though everyone he talked to said it wouldn't happen he still applied. There was a small chance and he was going to take it. He had worked for years on this dream and he would keep trying until they said yes. In the meantime he was still applying for positions in his trade and getting leadership positions. He continued to be grateful in his current job. (manifesting note: GRATITUDE for your current situation, raising your vibration)


I was on the phone with him two weeks ago as he was coming back to work after his lunch. He got an email and saw congratulations as the first words. He said “Sarah, hang on a second…. I think I got officer” he then read the email to me. I asked him “what position?" you are allowed to pick three and his top was public affairs. He knew the other two weren't his dream so I held my breath waiting to hear and then he said


Public Affairs, I got it!


He has re-read that email a million times to make sure it's real


He got the Unicorn


To some it will look like it fell into his lap. This was the first year he could apply and he got it. But you and I know differently.


He manifested it


BUT with any manifestation… It takes a lot of leg work.


One of my favourite scenes from the book and movie Eat, Pray, Love is when they are telling the story of someone walking up to a statue that is supposed to gift you things and kept asking for lottery winnings. The statue comes to life and says could you please, please, please buy a lottery ticket.


If we aren't willing to do the leg work, the manifesting won't happen. We have to trust that when it is right the universe will build the path with you but you have to provide the bricks. If it feels hard, it usually means it isn't in line. When it is, you are in flow with the universe and amazing miraculous things will take place. You can feel the momentum building.


I hope this blog post gives you some real life inspiration and guidance helping you to unlock your own manifesting powers.


If you are ready to manifest your dreams, let's chat over zoom during a life coaching session. Let's see what patterns are leaving you stuck and learn how we can move towards the life you imagine.


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