
Psychic Shamanic Healing

I've set aside a few slots each month to offer in-person Reiki sessions to my wonderful clients in Victoria. You'll find Ocean Tides conveniently located near the West Bay Quay, backing onto the marina.

Experience the transformative power of Reiki infused with shamanic practices, intuitive insights, and personalized life coaching. Each session begins with a discussion of your goals and intentions, ensuring a tailored experience that meets your unique needs.

During your session, I'll harness the healing energy of Reiki and incorporate shamanic techniques to guide your energy flow and connect with your spirit guides. Together, we'll work to dissolve any blockages and uncover messages from your guides, leaving you feeling deeply relaxed and energized with lasting effects.

Many clients have shared their experiences of profound calmness and clarity following our sessions, finding relief from physical or emotional pain, stress, and anxiety. At the session's end, we'll review insights gained during the energy work and explore strategies for integrating them into your daily life.

During our intuitive work together, you may encounter:

  • Messages from departed loved ones

  • Guidance from your spirit guides

  • Insights into past lives

  • Cord-cutting rituals for relationships or transitions

  • Psychic surgery to release deeply held emotions

  • Emotional Freedom Technique to address emotional blockages

Sessions are priced at $165.00


Reiki Psychic Shamanic Healing Package

Why Three Sessions? Because Healing Is a Journey.

True healing takes time and dedication. It's a journey that can't be rushed. In the first session, we begin peeling back the layers to uncover the root of your energetic imbalances. Together, we set your intentions, dive into meditation, and initiate the healing process. Afterward, we discuss the findings, setting the stage for the deeper work ahead.

Session One: Diagnostic & Initiation

The first session serves as a comprehensive diagnostic of your energetic body. We'll discuss your intentions, enter a meditative state, and commence the healing process. Afterward, we'll review my findings, setting the foundation for the profound transformation ahead.

Session Two: Integration & Empowerment

In the second session, we take the knowledge gained from the first session and dive even deeper. This is where we incorporate life coaching, cord cutting, and further healing techniques. We focus on peeling back the second layer, integrating the healing for lasting transformation.

Session Three: Guided Healing & Transformation

The third session is a collaboration with your spiritual guides and healing team. It's a time to address your body's unique needs. We may explore past lives, perform psychic surgery to release stuck emotions, or embark on a transformative journey guided by your intuition.

Your Reward: Deep Relaxation and Elevated Energy

By the end of the three sessions, you'll leave with a profound sense of relaxation and a higher vibrational energy. Many clients have reported enduring feelings of calm and clarity, along with relief from physical or emotional pain, stress, and anxiety. The reiki continues to work for a few days afterwards, leaving you with a lasting sense of well-being.

Intuitive Insights and Techniques for Lasting Change

Throughout our sessions, you may experience intuitive guidance and insights. This could include messages from loved ones, guidance from your spirit guides, glimpses of past lives, life coaching, cord cutting for relationship or job transitions, and even emotional freedom technique (EFT) to release stuck emotions.

Session Information:

Experience your healing journey at Ocean Tides Health Collective on Head Street in Esquimalt or you can request a Zoom appointment.

  1. Booking Your Sessions: Once you've purchased your energy healing package, you'll gain access to my calendar, allowing you to book your sessions at your convenience. It's all about flexibility to fit your schedule.

  2. Confirmation Email: Following your booking, a confirmation email will swiftly arrive in your inbox. Inside, you'll find essential details, including a personalized Zoom link if you chose virtual for your upcoming session. This ensures a seamless and stress-free connection.

This session process is designed to make your healing journey as convenient and accessible as possible. All you need to do is book, and we'll take care of the rest. Your healing transformation is just a few clicks away.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey?

Book your Reiki Psychic Shamanic Healing Package today and discover the profound changes that awaits.